Emptying My Head And Heart

I am sure we all experience some kind of heartache.  An aching heart from your child choosing to lose touch with you is worse than any pain from any other relationship I have ever experienced.  Sons, when you grow, and become men, it does not mean you are less of a man if you stay as close to your Mom as you did when you were young!  If the girl you are with insists that is so, get rid of her!!! Fast!! Run!  The only thing that should change in this relationship is your age.  Yuck!


Leaving You With – Respect ♥




My Strength

How lucky I am to have you for my strength! If I had to just depend on me, I am afraid to admit where I would be. Scared, fearful, unsure and lost.  How lucky I am to have you!  Thank you Jesus, thank you.

Leaving You With  – I Am Grateful For You! ♥

Thank You Jesus

Thank You Jesus

Lovingly Lawful

Hello Fellow Bloggers!  You are all AWESOME!!  I am listening to the song “Stuck in the Middle With You” (Stealers Wheel).  Such a great song!  The funniest coincidence is this is how I feel some days on the train to work! Haa! Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right (the stories I could tell you), and I am stuck in the middle with them!  (They who turns out to be the person who knew they should not have squeezed into my seat, because they could not realistically fit their hips into that space, but they did anyway).  So, I am literally, stuck in the middle with them! Haha!  Anyway, I am so happy to be back at work. However, working full time and taking on a brand new detailed process of learning, just does not afford me the time I need for ANYTHING, especially my blogging.  As I go through my day, I try to plan my night. Go home, eat dinner, straighten up, check e-mail, call so and so, and blog.  Nope. I go to sleep after I eat, umm, maybe cereal! 🙂  As my brain absorbs like a sponge, I will ring it out, lighten it up and return to my blogging more often.  For now, I must say, I am lucky if it is a once a week occurrence.  Hoping to read you all soon and sending peace and joy your way.

Leaving You With – Enjoy The Journey ♥

I Am Grateful For You!

Blood Sweat And Tears

What do you do when your child stops communicating with you? Never mind that said child is a 27 year old man! What do you do? Do you blame his fiancé? Has she changed him? Is that even possible?  Do you blame him?  Yourself?  God?  This is one of the most humongous challenges I have ever, or will ever, face in my life!  You carry this little being inside of you for 9 months, sweat, cry, scream and push him out (oh trust me he tried to stay in there!), love him, adore him, treasure  every precious moment of his life, raise him and let him grow. Then what? He does not have time for you????? Oh hellllll no!  This is killing me. It was never like this before. What do you do?

Leaving You With – Never Take Your Mother For Granted! ♥♥

I am the only one I can change

Daring Greatly! (This is for My Mom♥)

My promise to myself is to try to dare greatly every day.  To get myself up for life and get out there, no matter what.  The bravest thing I can be is vulnerable.  Being vulnerable is petrifying, especially after some of what I have been through.  I am afraid of happiness, because it can be taken away as easily as it arrived.  I am afraid of saying “I Love You” and not being heard.  I am afraid of saying “I Love You” and not being loved in return.  I am afraid of giving my all and getting nothing.  Vulnerability, yep this is it!  I may have scars, and I may rack up some more. Knowing that I am still OK, no matter what happens, is the goal of this exercise in my vulnerable life.  I am OK.  I am enough.  I am precious and fantastic just because I am here on this earth.  Some days may bring me to tears, but I know I must release my fears, if I am to grow and remain able to Dare.  I called an old friend (who disowned me because I was not enough (Obviously :))) and told her that she meant the world to me and how much I had missed her.  I left my number and asked her to call me back if she wished to.  It has been about a week, she has not called.  Previous to my attempt to Dare Greatly, I would have been devastated!  Now I know that I was such a brave soul to have gone into the arena and tried to fight. (Even though I got beaten and bruised and got my ass kicked and handed back to me!)  I am still enough!!!

 Leaving You With – Being Vulnerable Is The Bravest Thing You Can Do ♥

Knowing – But Not Feeling

You are precious and valuable JUST be being on this earth!! You don’t have to DO ANYTHING to deserve that. It is your birth right!! YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!! You need to look in that mirror and see the person I see. Try it. Then, ALL things will “go right”! Everything in your life at this moment has already been planned. You are supposed to be exactly where you are at this very minute. There are no coincidences. 

Leaving You With This – Tell Yourself The Truth Every Minute You are Able ♥